Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pen & Ink with Watercolor

This isn't quilted yet - but this is the piece of fabric 16x13, sized with soy, inked with black india ink and painted with watercolors. I am very pleased with how it turned out, looking forward to adding to it, layering and quilting the piece. Below is a picture before painting with watercolor. Below that are two paintings I have done using the same technique of first 'drawing' with ink then 'painting' with watercolors but on 140lb paper.


  1. All three are gorgeous, what a fantastic technique.

  2. Gorgeous! I did some ink first, then ironed the ink. I was using the micron pens. I wanted a couple more ink lines when I went to use the pencils. I didn't iron those and they washed out to a faint hint. I want to try another soy milk because it gives such nice colors. Your work is really beautiful.

  3. These are fabulous! Love the detail work, the shading, and the color choices.

  4. Wow..... Man alive, your things are so wonderful it makes me want to throw in my needle!

  5. I really like these pieces and will be interested to know how they hold up. Will you have to rinse the soy milk out, and then how much color will remain? They are lovely drawings.

  6. wow Johnni these are awesome. when you get them quilted, you should definitely enter them into a show. I am sure there are relatively few people with this style of quilt art.

    Thanks for telling about it on QA.
    Sandy in the UK

  7. Thanks for sharing. The soy's stopping of the wicking action of the fabric is really interesting (add to list of "try-its)
    Happy Sewing, Deb

  8. What beautiful work! I love the chipmunk. But they are all lovely.

  9. Oh Johnni....these are just fantastic! I don't have anywhere NEAR your ability with pen and paintbrush, but it's enough to make me want to try the soymilk thing! Thanks for trying and for sharing, Cheers, Sarah

  10. I wish I had your talent. These are so beautiful

