Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pen & Ink & Watercolor

Got my ink set back out - goodness, this thing is OLD! Actually, it was Samu'l's set - but he gave it to me - although he may not exactly remember it that way! Anyway, it is a Leroy Lettering Ink Set by K&E. I 'googled' the set - found one selling on ebay for about $70. I think these sets sold for about $200 new 30 years ago! or more.

So I did a 5x7 watercolor/pen & ink - I really like the high contrast the darkest darks make in the piece. It is time consuming but it is a lot of fun for me - its one of those tasks I work at for awhile and think, oh, its been about an hour, time to take a break, only to find out it has been about 4 hours. THAT is when you know you are doing something you enjoy!!

So I decided to do another one of the piece of fabric I had sized with soymilk. I understand you should use it within a week of saturating it with soy - so, this is my current inspiration, a chipmunk in the grass. Kind of cute so far, I think.

1 comment:

  1. your work is WONDERFUL!! Very nice! I'll be back to see your posts often!
