Thursday, August 28, 2014

And still more quilts.....

 I just LOVE pink quilts - I have made very few - but every time I load one on my gammil - I stand back and say again - I just LOVE pink quilts. Well, this one is made by Dolores - it gave me lots of open area to fill with I did!

 This is a strip quilt - I have quilted several of these now - several more waiting to be quilted. I use a fabric wave template, stitch swirls & curls and sometimes flowers, following the curves of the template. I stitch left to right, then move the template down 3" and stitch right to left. It creates a beautiful stem effect.
 This is a pretty red & green quilt made by Dolores - with a picture of the back below. She has recently sent me a few orphan blocks, leftover from making this quilt. I plan to make a tablerunner with them...

 Another pretty strip quilt....again, used my wave template.....

 Another beautiful quilt made by Dolores....a simple 9 patch, bordered, set on point - and look how beautiful it is!

 Finally quilted, one of mine! this is a logcabin sampler.....

 This quilt is made by Dolores for her grandson, off to college. My thought process was this....I wanted to fill it with feathers - but they can seem a bit 'frilly'. So I used an allover that had the look of hieroglyphics to it....and it also reminded me of Japanese kanji.....So I added words in kanji - Christ, Lord and Jesus.... (No, I did not spray yellow paint on it - I added the yellow highlights to the pictures to help define where the words are.....several pictures follow...)

 Another pink quilt - did I tell you that I just LOVE pink quilts? and another strip quilt - so again, I used my wave template.....

 One more beautiful quilt made by Dolores.....

Catching up - quilts and ACEOs

No posting for quite awhile now - but lots of sewing/quilting & painting.....
 A baby skunk, sleeping
 the funny face of a young llama
 three sheep
trying to capture the beauty and warmth of this jersey cow's eyes....

 these are my two newest Bible Memory Verse Cards....

Now for some quilting....

 a beautiful quilt made by Tammy....a shot of the back is below....

 This one is a wonderful quilt made by Dianne for her granddaughter - just graduating. I worked very hard on this one to link the on-point quilted squares with basket-weave feathers. It turned out really well - but all that work to keep the basket weave correct - and it was a little hard to see...oh well....

 This is a beautiful quilt made by Jan - opportunities to win this quilt was sold by the local American Legion....such a beautiful red/white/blue quilt.

This was a baby quilt - I filled it with quilted fins and feathers....