Monday, February 23, 2009

Word #7 - Hummingbird

More logcabin blocks from scraps. I no longer use threadsavers - I keep strippy scraps by the sewing machine - and build these small scappy logcabins while working on REAL projects. Sewing a round to one of these blocks acts as a threadsaver.

After 3 were built - I saw the flower in them - so had to add a hummingbird. March is almost here - almost time to set out the feeders again - yippeee!!


  1. Just lovely. I also am a hummingbird lover. Great idea to capture the text between sheets of Angelina as you posted on Quilt Art.

  2. when you look at this in zoom and see the amazing way scraps have come together in such a beautiful way ... your work is surely being guided by the Creator's hand.

  3. Oh! I love it. what a wonderful way
    to use strips, and how creatively
    you put it altogether.and the
    hummingbird, its really great.
    myfavourite bird. I will have to
    wait until May 10th to see my
    hummingbirds, here in PEI we have
    late springs.
