So I feel I should go back to my first love, painting nature. Word #8 included a painted rabbit. This piece I used pictures taken at our home in WV of a Swallow-tail butterfly on azaleas. The butterfly and azaleas are painted with the Tsukineko inks and markers. I let the painting lead me to the color scheme of strong primaries - with a little green thrown in. I also broke the rule of design - put like items in odd numbered groups, 3 or 5. I used 2 groups of 4, just to see if it was irritating - like I used to sprinkle salt in the sugar bowl just before my sister 'sweetened' her cereal. That WAS irritating - but groups of 4 are just fine.
Again on this piece I used a paper printed with the verse captured in angelina fibers. I am really enjoying the shine that the angelina fibers add - and by photographing in natural light - you can see that shine in both of these pieces.
Thou art my hiding place and my shield; I hope in thy word. Psalm 119:114
Imagine how dark and tough it was for Mary and Martha to lose their brother Lazarus - knowing the Son of God, knowing their brother was loved and a friend to Jesus. Many people know the shortest verse in the bible - Jesus wept. But please know, He wasn't weeping because Lazarus had died. Why shed those tears when He was going to raise him from the dead? Jesus wept - in sympathy for Mary and Martha - knowing their tears. And He said to them, Said I not unto you that if you would believe, you should see the glory of God? John 11:40
That is a verse of high contrast - the tears and sadness of laying their brother in the grave - and the high worshipful glory of seeing their brother walk out of that grave.
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