At the beginning of September we had at least 50 hummingbirds at our feeders. I was making a gallon of nectar each day. Now, one week into October, we still have 5 hummingbirds. This male rubythroat was in the grass one morning early, covered with dew and unable to fly. My husband held it till it began to dry, then it flew away.

This is a full-sized quilt that my dear husband is holding for the picture. It started as a backing that a friend sent to me to use with a small quilt top. But it was the most beautiful fabrics of red/yellow/orange. I could not bring myself to relegate it to the back of a quilt. So I chopped and slashed, added wide and thinner strips of offwhite, pieced in different sized and different colored circles, quilted it with concentric circles and horizontal meander to produce this quilt named 'Orange Back on Top'. Fun - Fun - Fun!!!

We are having our final 2008 4Sister block exchange this month. The only rule for this one is that it be based on leaves. This is the block design I have made - the fabric in the lower right has been painted first with pigment inks then overrubbed with oil paint.

Two weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated 26 years together. I made this small top to commemorate those 26 years. There are 26 flowers lining the path of marriage (looking more like a river), but rocks also are strewn alongside. Some of the flowers, although bright and beautiful seem to want to reach out and drag you off the intended path.
I attended an embellishment class with teacher Paula Reid this week - so there are now threads and fibers couched on this piece. It is still a Work in Process....
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your orange back on top quilt! Gorgeous!